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Dream Of Laying Hands And Praying For Someone

If you found yourself praying for someone in a dream, that is not an ordinary dream. Read what a dream of laying hands and praying for someone means.
From my observation, dreams of laying hands and praying for someone are not so common. Very few people have messaged me asking what it means to pray for someone in the dream. 

Personally, I see a dream of praying for someone as one of the special dreams seen by a select few. A person who sees a dream of laying hands and praying for another is very special to God. 

Perhaps, you saw yourself laying hands on and praying for someone in a dream, you should know that there is a powerful meaning behind this dream. Read on as we explore the dream meaning of laying hands and praying for someone. 

2 Corinthians 10:4 KJB
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 

The Bible says that our weapons of warfare are not fleshly. They are powerful enough to overturn any ungodly situation. One of the very potent weapons in a Christian's arsenal is prayer. 

Dream Of Laying Hands And Praying For Someone

Prayer in the mouth of the right person can move mountains. That person is a genuinely saved, and Spirit-filled child of God. 

I also won't fail to mention that people pray to and through different deities. If you found yourself laying hands and praying for someone in the Name of Jesus Christ, you belong to God. Whether or not you're yet saved, the Almighty had predestined you to be saved and to serve Him. 

A dream of laying praying for someone in the Name of Jesus Christ is always a good omen. 

In most of these dreams, it often happens that the person the dreamer prayed for was either sick or possessed of the devil. Then when the dreamer prayed for them, they got their healing or deliverance. It's such a powerful and prophetic dream to see! 

Biblical Meaning Of Praying For Someone In A Dream

Someon may not be able to readily wrap their heads around why they found themselves praying for another person in the dream. There can be diverse possible meanings to these dreams. Let's explore them below. 

1. God Can Use Us In Dreams

A Spirit-filled child of God is under the unction and led by the Holy Spirit at all times. The Spirit of God has taken full ownership over their body, soul and spirit. God can use them whenever and wherever He wants. Shouldn't that also be our desire as a people belonging to God? 

John 3:8 ESV
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Being born again and filled with the Spirit of God makes us malleable in the hands of God. The Lord can shape us and work through us as He pleases. Because we have become one with God through His Spirit, He can use us even in our dreams. 

That said, do not deem it as a strange thing, if you found yourself praying for the healing of someone in a dream and they receive their healing. 

That may just be another child of God in another location, who was in dire need of divine intervention. God found you as the perfect vessel He could use to heal them. Yes, this could happen spiritually while you're sleeping! 

2. You Have A Calling And Ministry From God 

One of the signs that God has called us into ministry is seeing prophetic dreams. There's no way a person who is genuinely called of God into ministry, won't get divine revelations from time to time. 

If you are called of God into ministry, it is normal to constantly or occasionally see dreams of praying for people. And of course, it is one of those things you will be doing in ministry. 

Even a minister of the Gospel who is already in ministry will keep seeing dreams of praying for people. Sometimes, these dreams can even come as instructions and leading from the Lord. 

John 14:12 ESV
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

Our Lord Jesus Christ did many signs and wonders while He walked the earth. The least was praying for people and they received their healing. And He said that we will do even greater works after His ascension. 

If you've been seeing yourself praying for people in the dream while you're not yet in ministry, God is simply showing you part of the works you will do as His servant. This is meant to make you prepare your mind and start working towards it. 

3. It Could Mean That The Person Needs Prayer 

For instance, you saw a dream of someone in trouble. In the dream, maybe you found yourself praying for them, asking for God's help for them. This is not a dream to take for granted. 

Ephesians 6:18 BSB
Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints.

So long you know this person in waking life, this dream means that they are in dire need of prayer. The Lord revealed this to you so that you will intercede on their behalf. Don't just let this dream be, without praying for that person. 

Dream Of Conducting Deliverance For Someone

I believe we all know that there is an area of ministry that deals with deliverance. But no one has to be a deliverance minister to be able to cast out devils. You just have to belong to God, live a consecrated life, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

That is to say, a dream of conducting deliverance can come to any Christian who has these requirements in place. If God can use you in the dream, He can as well use you in the physical—if you take the leap of faith according to His voice. 

Matthew 10:7 ESV
And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.
If you're someone who constantly sees dreams of conducting deliverance over others, or casting out demons from people; this could be a confirmation that you have a calling into deliverance ministry. If you haven't known this yet, you should seek God for His confirmation and instructions.

Dream Of Praying For A Sick Person

If you saw a dream where you prayed for someone and they got healed, give God the glory for such a powerful and prophetic dream.

This dream could be what happened live in the spiritual realm while the dreamer slept. God used them to orchestrate the healing of someone in another location who needed it.

If you saw a dream of praying for a sick person but they did not get their healing, something is wrong somewhere. They dreamer should look within and fix it. 

These dreams could also come as a revelation concerning what God has called and is preparing the dreamer to do. In ministry, the Lord will often show us the things He wants to accomplish through us, even before they begin to manifest in the physical realm.

Final Thoughts On Dream Of Praying For Someone

As you have seen in this article, dreams of laying hands and praying for someone will always be a good omen.

If you have been seeing these dreams frequently, it is very likely that you have a calling and ministry from the Lord. God wants to use you mightily, ask Him for instructions and let Him equip you for His use.

Seeing yourself praying for a known person in the dream, often means that they are in need of prayer. Your secret prayers for them will go a long way to help them out of whatever they're going through. 

By reading this article, I trust that you clearly understand what a dream of laying hands and praying for someone means.

God bless you. 

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Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.